Welcome to Guwahati Management Association

Guwahati Management Association(GMA) was established in 1970 and has a glorious past of nearly several decades propagating scientific management in the North East under the roof of All India management association (AIMA)- the apex management body of the country and now spreading its arms abroad to many countries . Until recently amidst all changes in the country .GMA during last several decades, was only one regional body in the North east (Except Silchar Management Association last year) that's helping regional Managers to make the most of new opportunities. One body that has been assimilating the changed global perspective and equipping the regional managers for it. One body ready for tomorrow.

Registration No: RS/KAM(M)/240/A-21/14 of 2010-2011
Registered Office : The Registered Office of the Society is situated in Flat No. 202, 2nd Floor, IIE Block, Rajdhani Apartment, Rajdhani Path, R.G. Baruah Road, Ganeshguri, Guwahati, Dist., KAMRUP METRO, ASSAM, 781006.

News & Notices

31 August 2024

New Book GMA  View

04 July 2020

The man who rode on time : A T  View

21 August 2018

North East Management Conclave  View

22 December 2016

NE Young Managers Competition  View

14 December 2016

Meeting on 'Leadership in Defe  View

29 October 2014

Creating an Ecosystem for Star  View

24 September 2014


07 October 2013


20 September 2013

Award Cermony Of Best Manager  View

20 August 2013

Guwahati Management Associatio  View

Board of Directors & Advisors

Newspaper Cuts
From President's Desk

It is indeed a matter of great pleasure and honour for me to be elected as the President of Guwahati Management Association in it's Annual General Meeting held on 21st February 2021. After being a Vice-President for 4 years and Advisor for 2 years it is a privilege to occupy the Presidentship of the organisation. GMA is fortunate that many talented and highly experienced persons in their respectiv...


Registered Members

Members' List